Zoek Eigendom:
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Land Urban for construction Quinta do Sobral Castro Marim on sale
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  • EigendomtypeLand
  • Verkoop
    € 850.000
  • Gebied715 m²
  • StatusIin project
  • CountyFaro
  • StadCastro Marim
  • Gemeente
    Castro Marim
  • LokaalQuinta do Sobral
  • REFSU-CS-TER-90884
715 m²



Quinta do Sobral, Castro Marim, Faro (Algarve)


Around The Sun
AMI Licentie: 17215
Website: casas-do-sotavento.com
Adres: Rua Jacinto José de Andrade 127 - 8900-313 Vila Real de Santo António
Telefoon: 281 511 734 / 918 774 036
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