Land in Vale França, with 13 680sqm, to build a single -dating dwelling in an very quiet area (Vale France), 1 km from Praia do Vau, a loud dwelling with a living area of 300sqm and 300sqm more lived, with pool and tennis field .
Vau's beach is an oceanic beach in the municipality of Portimão, Portugal. Soft cliffs. It is a beach with tranquility, being known for its iodine and the clay of the cliffs, as well as the irregular rock formations.
contoured by soft tones of ocres, gold sands and translucent waters, Praia do Vau is the elected of families with children for easy pedestrian access and the safety with which little ones can play here when the tide is low. Carved by erosion, they form nooks that delight the bathers.
Ref. LT-316.